Cram the Van Food Drive!

Help us stock our pantry for the Food For Thought Summer Meal Program! We are in need of over 6,600 food items for 600 families over the summer. Below is the suggested food donation list. The Food For Thought van will be on location as well as FFT staff to collect food items and to share information on volunteer opportunities.
When & Where:
Thursday, May 9th: UPDATE ALL Pizza-by-the-Sea Locations
Bring in 5 food items to fill the van and receive 50% off your pizza (same day)
Bring in 5 food items to fill the van and receive 50% off your pizza (same day)
Friday, May 17th: Winn-Dixie Destin
Bring 10 food items and enter to win!
Saturday, May 18th: Grand Boulevard Farmers Market
Bring 10 food items and enter to win!