Rose Weck
How long have you been volunteering with FFT?
I have been volunteering with FFT since Sept 2012.
What drew me to FFT? 
My oldest daughter is a teacher so I was aware of how hunger impacts the classroom.  I love the concept that if we feed these children on the weekend, then they will show up Monday morning ready to learn. The simple concept of food in a backpack shows these kids that they are important and loved.
Favorite part about being involved with FFT?
One of my favorite things is how the community has stepped up and supported FFT. When I first started with FFT we were only in 2 schools and served 100 kids a week.
Do you have a special memory or something that has impacted you during services that you would like to share?
I will never forget the student who came running after me as we were delivering backpacks one Friday. She said we had not left enough backpacks for her class and without her backpack, her family would have no food for the weekend. She said her father had lost his job and that her whole family needed her backpack of food.
We appreciate all that you do for FFT, Rose! You have put in countless hours making sure the backpacks get out to the kids in the community. Thank you for always showing up!