Food For Thought would not be what it is today without the generosity of our dedicated volunteers. For some volunteers, like Dave and Rose Weck, they have watched FFT grow over years and we are thankful they continue to show up for the kids. This week we will begin our Volunteer Spotlight series to highlight the impact volunteers have made on FFT. 
Dave Weck

How long have you been volunteering with FFT?

I started helping in the fall of 2012 shortly after moving to the area.

What drew you to FFT?

Well my wife, Rose Weck, started in 2012 and frankly it opened up my eyes to the need which existed in this community.  I started by helping pick up about 100 backpacks of food and I started asking more about FFT and what they were doing.   I loved the grass roots efforts and the passion Tiffanie had for the reducing the times local school children were focused on hunger when they should have been focused on learning.

What is your favorite part about being involved with FFT?

I heard someone say in a TD talk “Food is that place where our collective efforts can have the greatest impact.”  I also read “volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.”  No one should go hungry in our land of plenty, but unfortunately, they do. How can we expect kids to be hungry and learn? FFT is focused on spreading generosity and reminds us to focus on everybody not just ourselves.

Do you have a special memory or something that has impacted you during services that you would like to share?

I have been lucky to volunteer during some of the Thanksgiving and Christmas events and the gratitude expressed by all those who receive the food has been overwhelming.  Most of us take for granted a few bags of groceries but the expression of joy and thanks by everyone receiving them is something which sticks in your memory. Sometimes it is a look in their eyes, sometimes a thank you is spoken, and sometimes when you are lucky you get a hug!

Dave, we value your dedication to FFT! We are especially thankful for your hours volunteering which was a double impact as it provided FFT with a $1,000 grant from the IBM Corporation. Thank you!!